The Training
The next 4-Year Program begins September 2026.
The academic structure of the Institute calendar is as follows: There are weekly seminars from September through June for a period of four years. Each year is divided into two terms. Each class involves three hours of seminar time over thirty weeks per year, for a total of 90 hours a year. In addition, three two-day Workshops are presented each year by leading international psychoanalytic scholars for a total of an additional 120 hours.
Candidates may not be absent for more than two seminars per term. Should absence exceed this, credit will not be given until the instruction has been made up through special arrangements made with instructors and approved by the Candidate Progress Committee. An attendance record is kept by instructors and monitored by the Candidate Progress Committee (CPC). In the event that a candidate must miss one of the three above-noted Workshops, the candidate is expected to (a) make up missed workshop in the fifth year of training at his/her own expense, or (b) write an academic paper related to the missed workshop. Either alternative needs to be arranged for and confirmed by the candidate with the Chair of the Candidate Progress Committee (CPC).
It is expected that candidates will have resolved their own psychological issues to the point where their clinical work will not be compromised. If deemed ready, the candidate will be expected to begin a supervised psychoanalytic case at the end of the first year of classes. All candidates must have adequate professional liability insurance and have this approved by the Candidate Progress Committee. Supervision (face to face) at least once a week is required, with a supervisor approved by the Institute.
Cost of supervision is arranged between candidate and supervisor, and is not part of the annual tuition fee. When the candidate has shown sufficient ability to conduct his/her first clinical case, he/she will be approved by the Candidate Progress Committee to begin a second and then a third case with different approved supervisors. Each case must be seen for treatment at least three times weekly. Three control cases are required, and must include both genders. A minimum of 160 supervisory hours /weeks is required, with at least 80 hours for the first case, and lat least 40 each for cases two and three. Before any case can begin, the patient must be discussed with an approved by the selected supervisor.
Candidates must complete a scholarly/scientific paper on a topic of interest (theoretical, clinical, applied psychoanalysis, or any combination of these) to qualify for graduation. After the candidate has completed the seminars and supervised clinical training, the Candidate Progress Committee will consider reports from instructors, clinical supervisors and readers of the clinical reports, as well as the scholarly paper to ascertain whether the candidate is considered to have successfully fulfilled all the training requirements. Successful candidates are recommended to the Executive Committee. Upon graduation, a Diploma is awarded and the graduate analyst will be formally admitted to the Toronto Society for Contemporary Psychoanalysis.
Written Reports
Case reports are due twice a year for all cases in progress, as well as for any case which terminated prematurely. Two typewritten, double-spaced copies of the report must be submitted to the Administrative Coordinator. Reports may not be submitted by email. To maintain confidentiality, patients must be identified simply by initials only (no names) and no other identifying information should be contained in the report.
Reports are subsequently sent to readers assigned by the Candidate Progress Committee. One reader is assigned per case. The same reader will follow the case from the beginning of supervision to completion of the required number of supervisory hours and reports.
The following areas need to be addressed in case reports:
- Identifying Date;
- Summary of History and Mental Status;
- Course of Analysis; and
- Formulation.
The Candidate Progress Committee reviews all case reports, supervisors’ evaluations, and readers’ reports, and teachers’ evaluations.
Members of the Candidate Progress Committee provide consultation and guidance to candidates throughout their training. This makes it possible for each candidate to have direct access to a member of the committee from start to finish of his/her training, to ensure consistency and continuity of communication between candidate and committee.
The committee member or advisor:
- Acts as reader on at least one of the candidate’s cases;
- Maintains an up-to-date record of the candidate’s progress throughout the program;
- Acts as advisor for the candidate in cases of dispute with other members of the TICP;
- Provides liason between candidate and the CPC with regard to satisfactory completion of requirements.
Unregulated Health Professionals
Candidates who are not members of a regulated health profession must be receiving ongoing supervision on their psychotherapy cases from a supervisor approved by the TICP Candidate Progress Committee through the training and until graduation. Supervision would usually be weekly but must be, at minimum, one hour per month.
CME Credits for Physician Candidates
Re: MOCOMP (Maintenance of Certification of Medical Practice) Credits
The Toronto Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis (TICP) training program qualifies for Section 4 credits for CME (Continuing Medical Education). This means that each hour spent in class, each hour in supervision for your control case, and each hour at the Weekend Workshops is rated as 1 credit an hour, with no maximum in the five-year period.
It is the responsibility of each physician to keep track of the credits he /she earns, and submit them to the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons at the end of the year. At the completion of the training at TICP you are required to document the objectives of the traineeship, and the impact it has made on your practice.
The TICP must maintain attendance records, documentation that the components of the Program training are completed, and provide a certificate confirming completion of the Program.
Overview of the Curriculum
The first year provides an overview of several psychoanalytic perspectives (Freudian, Kleinian, British Object Relations, Self Psychology, Relational Psychoanalysis). Toward the end of the year, an evening will be devoted to looking at one case from multiple perspectives. There will be a number of sessions assigned to help prepare candidates to begin their first control case.
In the second, third and fourth years, various topics will be studied from multiple points of view. Much time will also be devoted to continuous case presentations. In the fourth year there will be considerable space for elective courses determined conjointly by the candidates and the Curriculum Committee.
Instructors are urged to: present their material as much as possible from a comparative-integrative perspective; assist candidates in developing the capacity to think critically about theory and clinical material; introduce clinical material to illustrate theory; develop candidates’ capacity for clinical formulation and intervention.